Small, fast, manoeuvrable: hoverboards are super hip, especially with young people, the topic on YouTube and the trend device from the USA is now set to conquer the European market.

This is what you should definitely know about the use of hoverboards:
The general provisions of the StVZO and FZV apply if the design-related maximum speed is more than 6 km / h. Since these vehicles cannot meet the approval regulations for seats, steering, brakes, lighting, mirrors, etc. due to their construction, these boards may therefore only be moved in demarcated non-public traffic.
Otherwise there is a fine and 1 point.
The electric boards offered have a design-related maximum speed of over 6 km / h and must be insured.
Unfortunately, such insurance is currently not offered on the insurance market. Anyone who nevertheless drives on public roads is liable to prosecution according to § 6 PflVersG! Driving such a motor vehicle also requires a driver’s license. Since the legislature was not aware of these boards when defining the driving license classes, it is difficult to determine the specific driving license class.
According to the wording of the law, the boards could fall under motorcycle classes AM, A1, A2, A, but also under car class B. Anyone who uses the boards in public street space without the required driving license class and despite the prohibition is also committing a “criminal offense” according to § 21 StVG (driving without a driving license).
How can you insure a hoverboard?
At present, a hoverboard cannot be insured through motor vehicle liability insurance. The reason for this is that there is no approval and therefore no license number for it. But there is also no possibility of insurance coverage via general liability (e.g. private liability insurance). So if you are on the move with the hoverboard and damage someone else, you have to pay for the damage yourself.
Conclusion: Regardless of the topic of the driver’s license and the
resulting consequences, it should be noted: Damage caused by operating the hoverboard is generally not insurable at the moment. The driver must therefore reimburse property damage or personal injury out of his own pocket.